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Create a RRD graphic report from LUA script

LUA script is an open source language that is use in LoriotPro to perform snmp data manipulation and any data processing. The result of a script execution can be used by the RRD Collector and display in a graphic.

These capabilities of the RRD Collector and the LUA script open the usage of RRD to the graphic representation of any kind of data coming from any source type. We will see as an example how to collect and graph the time needed to access a WEB page.

To configure the RRD Collector for using LUA scripts as data source of RRD databases you should attach a new RRD Collector plugin to one of the host in the LoriotPro directory.

Select the Configuration button to access the configuration Dialog box.

Select the LUA script tab. You should see the following dialog box:

RRD LUA script

The dialog box allows you to add one or multiple LUA script as data source of the RRD database.

To add a new script in the list, click on the Insert button. 

The LUA script selection wizard is displayed.

When you have selected a script from the wizard, you should repeat the add operation for each LUA script that should provide data to the RRD database.

You can arrange the list after while by using the Delete, Move up, Move Down, and Clear All button.

When your list is finished, you should select the type of graphic to generate. The Type of graphics can be change later on from the RRD Manager but this requires good skills and understanding of the RRD Manager interface.

You can select the Graph Style between the following three styles

LINE : Data are display as line in the graph
AREA : Data are display as area in the graph
STACK : Data are stacked in the definition order in the graph

The polling interval allows you to choose the frequency of the polling. If you choose interval higher than 2 mn the Hourly graph will not be displayed. We recommend to let the default of 1 minute.

When you have finished and chosen the parameters you must click on the Initialize DataBase button

When the DataBase is created it is not possible to go back. The plugin has to be deleted if you want to recreate a new database for a list of LUA scripts.

Example :

Graph of TCP connection response time with RRD et LUA