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RRD database list XML configuration file description

The DataBaseList.xml file contains a list of all the RRD databases defined in LoriotPro. This xml file is updated either from the RRD Collector or the RRD Manager. You do not have to edit this file manually if you do not have a good knowledge in XML file and RRD application within LoriotPro software.

The XML schema definition (DataBaseList.xsd)

A single RRD Database description is enclosed between the following XML tags<DataBase></DataBase>

XML tags description of the DataBaseList.xml file.


Une entrée pour la déclaration d’une database RRD dans le fichier  DataBaseList.xml

The following attributs are linked to this xml tag

Attribut DateCreation : The creation date

Attribut Author : The author

Attribut Description :  A global description


A unique name assignedto this RRD dataBase.


A RRD profile name that is defined in the RRD_Profile.xml


The path where the database file is stored. This path is relative to the /bin directory of LoriotPro


A list of user tag  <GraphTypeUser> that define which graph is using this database.


A list of DataSource used to fill this database. Data source are collected values coming form snmp collection, ping requests, lua scripts.

When the collected data are response time values of ping requests, additionnal tags are used to store the specific parameters.

Tag for the mapping of data source of ping response time


The ID of the RRD Collector plugin that performs the collection


A unique name assigned to this data source


the host name on which the ping is performed


The IP host address


The packet size of the ping


The maximum number of router on the path to the destination


the maximum delay to wait for a ping answer.

Example of ping collection.

<DataBase DateCreation="Friday, December 23, 2005" Author="4876363472532668435" ="LoriotPro IP address : 127_0_0_1">