RMON GUI - Remote network MONitoring
Administrator handbook

Table of contents

RMON GUI Settings

The RMON GUI requires few settings for working.

It is important to collect only the available RMON groups of the probe or only the groups required.

When the RMON GUI is started, it tries to gather the data of the selected groups. If a group is not implemented on the RMON probe or the switch, RMON GUI program generates unnecessary snmp request to the device and spend time to wait for the snmp time out.
Even if a group is implemented, a single group can consist of a table with hundreds of entries, collecting them requires time, network bandwidth, consume RMON probe cpu, and RMON GUI cpu.

Thus do not collect RMON groups that you will not need and not look at.

To select RMON groups for collection open the main menu option File and select Properties.


