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Report Scripting language

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The LoriotPro kernel is able to interpret the proprietary scriting language either used by the report Generator Tool or the WEB server plugin. This scripting language is quite simple because it uses HTML tags in text files. The .rep extension is required for script file.


A script file is a simple text file with specific keywords that are interpreted by the software to carry out operations. A lot of script files are provided with LoriotPro and help you to generate simple html reports. The Report Generator Tool interprets the contains of the script and replaces subsequent proprietary variable tags with their values. Values are collected by SNMP requests.

Example : The file ifentry.rep

The file ifentry.rep is a standard HTML file with common tags and proprietary LoriotPro tags. All proprietary LoriotPro tags start by the <dsnmp tag and finish with a > tag. In our example all proprietary tags are displayed in bold characters.

<!-- <img border=0 src='/img/report.jpg'> List interface for this host -->
<title>LoriotPro ifentry report script file for : <dsnmp getsession name></title>
<META HTTP-EQUIV='Pragma' CONTENT='no-cache'>
<font face='Courier New'>
<h5>LoriotPro Report Script, Generated File : from MIB file : rfc1213.mib</h5><hr>
Host Name : <dsnmp getsession name><br>
Host : <dsnmp getsession ip_add><br>
Generated at : <dsnmp getsession datetime><br>
<table width='100%' border='1'><tr><td align='center' bgcolor='#aaaaaa' width='20%'>LoriotPro response area</td></tr></table><br>
<dsnmp if snmptest end1>
<dsnmp if mib RFC1213-MIB noloaded>
<!-- request area -->
<table bgcolor="aqua" border=1>
<dsnmp getentry ifentry>
<!-- request area -->
<dsnmp goto end>
<dsnmp tag end1:>
<hr><table width='100%'><tr bgcolor='#FF0000'><td >Host no respond to snmp query, Report generation aborted</td></tr></table>
<dsnmp goto end>
<dsnmp tag noloaded:>
<hr><table width='100%'><tr bgcolor='#FF0000'><td >MIB no loaded in LoriotPro, Report generation aborted</td></tr></table>
<dsnmp tag end:>
<dsnmp disclaimer>

In the next to code you can see the original report file and the result report file where the SNMP tags have been replaced by their collected values.

Intput file

Host Name : <dsnmp getsession name><br>
Host : <dsnmp getsession ip_add><br>
Generated at : <dsnmp getsession datetime><br>

Output file

Host Name : Default Gateway<br>
Host :<br>
Generated at : Sun Feb 17 16:48:49 2002<br>


Tags are classified by categories.

Selection Tags are used to select the host in the directory to which the consecutive SNMP request will be made.

SNMP request tags perform SNMP request on the specified object ID on the curretn selected Host.

Host parameter Tags are use to collect the information attached to the current host and stored in the Directory.

Conditional jump tags are use to control the execution of script commands based on condition.

Common tags are used for various complementary tasks

Quotation mark are delimiters of variables or labels in this documentation, they do not have to be used in the report files.

'ip'                  the IP address of a host in decimal

'label'            a label (without space) 

Warning: All proprietary tags applies to the default host.

The empty report file below is a good starting point for creating all your report file. You will see that it is an HTML page with predefined setting.

<!-- <img border=0 src='/img/report.jpg'>Title of the file in the WEB browser-->
<!-- level 0 -->
<title>Title of the HTML page</title>
<META HTTP-EQUIV='Pragma' CONTENT='no-cache'>
<style> <dsnmp insert_css> </style>


The first html remark line is used by LoriotPro to display user friend name for the script under the Remote WEB interface.

The META line force the WEB browser to retreive the page from the WEB and never from its local cache.

The style tag insert the LoriotPro css page into the page for Cascading Style Sheet format. The style are all defined in the /bin/www/Modeles/StylesCSS.css page.

All other HTML and LoriotPro proietary tags could be set between the <Body> tags

Selection tags

Selection Tags  
<dsnmp select first 'label'> Select the first host in the chained list of the LoriotPro Directory. If there is no host in the Directory, the script jump to the label 'label'.
<dsnmp select next 'label'> Select the next host in the chained list of the LoriotPro Directory. If there is no host in the Directory, the script jumps to the label 'label'.
<dsnmp select fromip 'ip' 'label'> Select the host with IP address 'ip' in LoriotPro Directory If there is no host in the Directory with this IP address, the script jump to the label 'label'.
<dsnmp select firstrouter 'label'> Select the first router in the chained list of the LoriotPro Directory If there is no router in the Directory, the script jumps to the label 'label'.
<dsnmp select nextrouter 'label'> Select the next router in the chained list of the LoriotPro Directory If there is no router in the Directory, the script jumps to the label 'label'.
<dsnmp select loopnext 'label'> Select the next host in the chained list of the LoriotPro Directory If there is no router in the Directory, the script jumps to the label 'label'.
<dsnmp php on / off>

Only valid whith the WEB server plugin.Interpret the output file with PHP.

SNMP request tags

Remark: The SNMP request are always carried out on the default host.

SNMP request Tags  
<dsnmp get 'oid1,oid2'> Write the result of the SNMP request in the output file.

Remark: #ERROR is writen instead if the request fails.

<dsnmp gettobuffer 'oid1' >

Write the result of the SNMP request in a temporary buffer.
use the showbuffer tag and conditionnal tags.
Remark: #ERROR is writen instead if the request fails.

<dsnmp getentry 'table_entry_oid' >
Built a HTML table in the output file from a SNMP table objects.
Warning: the getentry do do create the <table> tag. You should encapsulate the command in <table> and </table> tags.
<dsnmp getentry_css 'table_entry_oid' >

Same as previous command but add the standard css format to the table.

<dsnmp getrows 'table_entry_item_oid1,table_entry_item_oid2' > Built a HTML table in the output file with the specified SNMP objects
<dsnmp getrows_css 'table_entry_item_oid1,table_entry_item_oid2' > Same as previous command but add the standard css format to the table.
<dsnmp getchilds 'oid' > Built a HTML table in the output file with the child SNMP objects of this object OID.

Remark: This function is equivalent to a Snmp Walk.

<dsnmp getchilds_css 'oid' > Same as previous command but add the standard css format to the table.
<dsnmp getbulk 'oid_start' 'oid_end' >

Built a HTML table in the output file with the SNMP objects included between object specified by 'oid_start' and the object specified by 'oid_end'.

Remark: This function is equivalent to a Snmp Walk.

<dsnmp getbulk_css 'oid_start' 'oid_end' > Same as previous command but add the standard css format to the table.
<dsnmp vugraph auto "paramètres" > Create a jpeg image of a vu meter with the parameters indicated between quotes.

List of parameters:


The SNMP Object ID


Counter or Gauge

Window heigth

Vertical Size

Window lenght

Horizontal size

Lower value displayed

The minimum value

Top value displayed

The maximum value

Background color : #RRGGBB

The background color in Hexa (Red Green Blue)

Forground color : #RRGGBB

The foreground color in Hexa (Red Green Blue)

Legend of the unit scale value

The unit legend

<dsnmp showdesc 'oid'>

Display the oid description provided by the MIB file. Do not generate SNMP request.

Host parameter Tags

Host parameter Tags  
<dsnmp getsession ip_add > Write the host IP address in the ouptput file.
<dsnmp getsession mac > Write the host MAC address in the ouptput file. #ERROR is writen instead if the parameter is not specified.
<dsnmp getsession sysname > Write the host SNMP Sysname in the ouptput file. #ERROR is writen instead if the parameter is not specified.
<dsnmp getsession sysobjid > Write the host SNMP Sysobjid in the ouptput file. #ERROR is writen instead if the parameter is not specified.
<dsnmp getsession communityro > Write the host RO community in the ouptput file. #ERROR is writen instead if the parameter is not specified.
<dsnmp getsession name > Write the host name in the ouptput file.
 <dsnmp getsession lastpolling > Write the Timestamp of the last request of the default host in the output file with a unsigned long integer format.
<dsnmp getsession _lastpolling > Write the Timestamp of the last request of the default host in the output file with a Date_Time format
<dsnmp getsession system > Write in a temporary buffer the result of SNMP requests on the Sysname, SysDesc, and SysobjectID objects.
<dsnmp getsession datetime > Write the current date and time in the output file.
<dsnmp getsession user1 > Write the first user parameter of the default host in the oputput file. #ERROR  is displayed instead if the parameter is not specified.
<dsnmp getsession user2 > Write the second user parameter of the default host in the oputput file. #ERROR  is displayed instead if the parameter is not specified.
<dsnmp getsession user3 > Write the third user parameter of the default host in the oputput file. #ERROR  is displayed instead if the parameter is not specified.
<dsnmp getsession uid > Write the uid parameter of the default host in the oputput file. #ERROR  is displayed instead if the parameter is not specified.

Remark :The UID is a unique unsigned 64 bits size word assigned to each Directory object

Conditional jump tags

All conditional jump tags perform a jump to a label if the condition is not satisfied

A label is set on a single line and should respect the following syntax :

<dsnmp tag 'label':> 


'label':>  (Without space between the label name and the:> sign)

Conditonnal jump Tags  
<dsnmp if active 'label'> A jump to the label is performed if the host is not alive.
<dsnmp if buffer == 'value' 'label'>

A jump to the label is performed if the contents of the temporary buffer is not equal to value.
The buffer should previously be filled with the <dsnmp gettobuffer 'oid1' > tag.

 <dsnmp if buffer != 'value' 'label'>

A jump to the label is performed if the contents of the temporary buffer is equal to value.
The buffer should be previously filled with the <dsnmp gettobuffer 'oid1' > tag.

<dsnmp if buffer less 'value' 'label'> A jump to the label is performed if the contenst of the temporary buffer is superior to value.
<dsnmp if buffer sup 'value' 'label'> A jump to the label is performed if the contents of the temporary buffer is inferior to value.
<dsnmp if isobjid 'value' 'label'> A jump to the label is performed if the host object isobjid is not equal to value.
<dsnmp if snmptest 'label'> A jump to the label is performed if the host does not answer to a SNMP ping.
<dsnmp if status 'value' 'label'> A jump to the label is performed if the host status is different from value.
<dsnmp if nexthop 'label'> A jump to the label is performed if the host is not a “next hop”
<dsnmp if pingpooling 'label'> A jump to the label is performed if the host is not supervised with ICMP (ping) protocol.
 <dsnmp if snmppooling 'label'> A jump to the label is performed if the host is not supervised with SNMP protocol.
<dsnmp if mac 'label'>  A jump to the label is performed if the host has no configured MAC address.
<dsnmp if next 'label'> A jump to the label is performed if the host is the last in the chained list of hosts registered in the Directory.
<dsnmp if nextrouter 'label'> A jump to the label is performed if the router is the last in the chained list of routers registered in the Directory.
<dsnmp if isforwarding 'label'> After SNMP requests oon the ipforwarding object a jump to the label is performed if the status is ‘no forwarding’.
<dsnmp if router 'label'> A jump to the label is performed if there is no router registered in the Directory
<dsnmp if isldsrouter 'label'> A jump to the label is performed if there is no router registered in the Directory or if the default host is not the routerID.
<dsnmp if mib 'DESCRIPTION-MIB' 'label'> A jump to the label is performed if the MIB file defined by the ‘description-mib’ is not loaded in memory.
<dsnmp ifstinginbuffer "string" "label"> Search for a string in the current buffer and jump to label if the string is found. The " should be used instead of '.
<dsnmp ifnotstinginbuffer "string" "label"> Search for a string in the current buffer and jump to label if the string is not found. The " should be used instead of '.

Common Tags

These Tags provide additional useful functions:

Common Tags  
<dsnmp showbuffer> Display the contents of the current buffer.
<dsnmp end> Quit the current script.
<dsnmp call 'script'> This Tag calls another script that is considered here like a sub routine. When this script ended the current script is resumed.
Warning: Stack overflow are not handle by the software.
<dsnmp gosub 'script'> This Tag calls another script but when this one ended, the father script is not resumed.
<dsnmp insert 'file'> The specifed file is inserted as is in the output file.
<dsnmp htmlrouter> Create a graphical view of the host interfaces.
<dsnmp help>

Display the list of available LoriotPro proprietary tags.
Remark: This tag gives you the version and the syntaxes supported by the LoriotPro  kernel.

<dsnmp insert_css>

This tag should be used in the head section of the report file and bewteen html style tag.
<style> <dsnmp insert_css> </style>
The import of the /bin/www/modeles/StyleCSS.css file is added and css defined in this file could be used.

<dsnmp disclaimer> Insert in the output file CopyRights information.

Example with getsession

Remarks: All the example file are located in the /bin/rep/examples directory

The following example shows how the getsession tag is used to collect host information and date.

<!-- <img border=0 src='/img/report.jpg'>LoriotPro Scripting Language Example - getsession tag -->
<title>LoriotPro Scripting Language Example - getsession tag </title>
<META HTTP-EQUIV='Pragma' CONTENT='no-cache'>
<h2>LoriotPro Scripting Language Example - getsession tag </h2>
Host Name : <b><dsnmp getsession name></b><br>
Host : <b><dsnmp getsession ip_add></b><br>
Generated at : <b><dsnmp getsession datetime></b><br>

Display the result :

The same file but with css formatting. The span tag and class attribut are used to apply the css format to the SNMP tag.

<!-- <img border=0 src='/img/report.jpg'>LoriotPro Scripting Language Example - getsession tag with css formatting-->
<title>LoriotPro Scripting Language Example - getsession tag with css formatting</title>
<META HTTP-EQUIV='Pragma' CONTENT='no-cache'>
<style> <dsnmp insert_css> </style>
<span class="td-titre-3">LoriotPro Scripting Language Example - getsession tag with css formatting</span><br>
<span class="b-text-2">Host Name :</span>
<span class="b-data-1"><dsnmp getsession name></span><br>
<span class="b-text-2">Host :</span>
<span class="b-data-1"><dsnmp getsession ip_add></span><br>
<span class="b-text-2">Generated at :</span>
<span class="b-data-1"><dsnmp getsession datetime></span><br>

Display the result :

Example with getentry

The getentry construct an html table from a SNMP table object. This tag should be encapsulate in an HTML <table> tag.

The structure of the page include testing in case of non response from the host. Conditionnal tags are used to perform this tests.

If the host do not respond to SNMP request <dsnmp if snmptest errorlabel> an error message shoudl be writen on the screen.
If the requested Object is not in the compiled MIB <dsnmp if mib RFC1213-MIB mibnotloaded>an error message should be written on the screen

<!-- <img border=0 src='/img/report.jpg'>LoriotPro Scripting Language Example - getentry -->
<title>LoriotPro Scripting Language Example - getentry</title>
<META HTTP-EQUIV='Pragma' CONTENT='no-cache'>
<h2>LoriotPro Scripting Language Example - getentry </h2><br>
<dsnmp if snmptest errorlabel>
<dsnmp if mib RFC1213-MIB mibnotloaded>
Host Name : <dsnmp getsession name><br>
Host : <dsnmp getsession ip_add><br>
Generated at : <dsnmp getsession datetime><br>
<table width='100%' border='1'>
<td align='center' width='20%'>LoriotPro response area</td>

<!-- request area -->
<table border=1 cellspacing="0">
<dsnmp getentry ipnettomediaentry><br>
<!-- request area -->
<dsnmp goto end:>
<dsnmp tag errorlabel:>
<table width='100%'>
<tr bgcolor='#FF0000'>
<td>Host does not respond to snmp query, Report generation aborted</td>
<dsnmp goto end:>
<dsnmp tag mibnotloaded:>
<table width='100%'>
<tr bgcolor='#FF0000'>
<td >MIB not loaded in LoriotPro, Report generation aborted</td>
<dsnmp tag end:>

The same file but with css formatting. The getentry_css command is use instead of the getentry command.

<!-- <img border=0 src='/img/report.jpg'>LoriotPro Scripting Language Example - getentry_css -->
<title>LoriotPro Scripting Language Example - getentry_css</title>
<META HTTP-EQUIV='Pragma' CONTENT='no-cache'>
<style> <dsnmp insert_css> </style>
<span class="td-titre-3">LoriotPro Scripting Language Example - getentry<br>
</span><dsnmp if snmptest errorlabel> <dsnmp if mib RFC1213-MIB mibnotloaded><br>
<span class="b-text-2">Host Name :</span>
<span class="b-data-1"> <dsnmp getsession name></span><br>
<span class="b-text-2">Host :</span>
<span class="b-data-1"> <dsnmp getsession ip_add "></span><br>
<span class="b-text-2">Generated at :</span>
<span class="b-data-1"> <dsnmp getsession datetime "></span><br>
<table class="td-text-2-bas-droite" width='100%' border='0' cellspacing="0">
<td align='center' width='20%'>LoriotPro response area</td>
<span class="b-text-2">Result of the getentry_css ipnettomediaentry</span>
<!-- request area -->
<table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing="0">
<dsnmp getentry_css ipnettomediaentry><br>
<!-- request area -->
<dsnmp goto end:>
<dsnmp tag errorlabel:>

<table class="b-error" width='100%'>
<tr bgcolor='#FF0000'>
<td>Host does not respond to snmp query, Report generation aborted</td>
<dsnmp goto end:>
<dsnmp tag mibnotloaded:>

<table class="b-error" width='100%'>
<tr bgcolor='#FF0000'>
<td >MIB not loaded in LoriotPro, Report generation aborted</td>
<dsnmp tag end:>

Thesame result but with a new look.

Example of Directory Browsing with select next

The select first and select next tag allow you to browse the directory for Host and do SNMP request on all of them in a single script. This function is very useful for making inventory in huge networks.
The ListAll example use here shows how to proceed and write such script. The logic behind the script is done below

The script file list all Host in workspace contents is below.

<!-- <img border=0 src='/img/report.jpg'> List all hosts in workspace -->
<title>List hosts in workspace </title>
<META HTTP-EQUIV='Pragma' CONTENT='no-cache'>
<style> <dsnmp insert_css> </style>
<span class="td-titre-3">List all Hosts of the Directory </span>
<dsnmp select first end>
<dsnmp tag loop:>
<span class="b-data-1"><dsnmp getsession ip_add> : </span>
<span class="b-data-1"><dsnmp getsession name> : </span>
<span class="b-data-1"><dsnmp getsession datetime></span><br>
<dsnmp if status 2 pass>
<dsnmp if snmptest pass>
<table width=100% border=0 cellspacing="0">
<th class="td-text-2">SysName</th>
<th width="100%" class="td-text-2-droite"><dsnmp get sysname></th>
<th class="td-text-2">Sysdescr</th>
<th class="td-text-2-droite"><dsnmp get sysdescr></th>
<th class="td-text-2">SysLocation</th>
<th class="td-text-2-droite"><dsnmp get syslocation></th>
<th class="td-text-2">SysContact</th>
<th class="td-text-2-droite"><dsnmp get syscontact></th>
<th class="td-text-2">SysUptime</th>
<th class="td-text-2-droite"><dsnmp get sysuptime></th>
<th class="td-text-2">SysService</th>
<th class="td-text-2-droite"><dsnmp get sysservices></th>
<th class="td-text-2-bas">SysLocation</th>
<th class="td-text-2-bas-droite"><dsnmp get syslocation></th>
<dsnmp tag pass:>
<dsnmp select next end>

<dsnmp goto loop>
<dsnmp tag end:>
<dsnmp disclaimer>

The result of this script is a list of all the hosts with their characteristics. Host not reponding to SNMP are listed but have not charateristics.

Example with Directory browsing on Router type

This script is an example of filtered requests on specific device type, here Cisco devices, to collect the value of interface packet drop rate. The Directory is browse for finding routers with the <dsnmp select firstrouter end> tag (In fact the router tree) and test are performed to check the type of router found.

Remark : if the search is performed on host and not on router object, the condition is sastified for each interface (host entry in the directory) of any router generating duplicate tables in the report.

The script should find all the Cisco device in the network (and referenced in the LoriotPro Directory). The result is that for each router found a table of dropped packet on each interface.

The organigrame is given below.

The source code with in bold the LoriotPro proprietary tags.

<!-- <img border=0 src='/img/report.jpg'>Cisco Routers Interface - packet drop statistics -->
<title>Cisco Routers Interface - packet drop statistics </title>
<META HTTP-EQUIV='Pragma' CONTENT='no-cache'>
<style> <dsnmp insert_css> </style>
<span class="td-titre-3">Cisco Routers Interface - packet drop statistics </span>
<dsnmp if mib OLD-CISCO-INTERFACES-MIB mibnotloaded>
<span class="b-text-2">Object ID description</span>
<table width=100% border=0 cellspacing="0"><tr>
<td class="td-text-9"><strong>locifinputqueuedrops</strong></td>
<td class="td-text-9-droite"><dsnmp showdesc locifinputqueuedrops></td></tr>
<td class="td-text-9-bas"><strong>locifoutputqueuedrops</strong></td>
<td class="td-text-9-bas-droite"><dsnmp showdesc locifoutputqueuedrops></td>
<dsnmp select firstrouter end>
<dsnmp tag loop:>
<dsnmp if status 2 pass>
<dsnmp if snmptest pass>
<dsnmp gettobuffer sysobjectid>
<dsnmp ifnotstringinbuffer cisco pass>

<span class="td-titre-3">Host Name : </span>
<span class="b-data-2"><dsnmp getsession name></span>
<span class="td-titre-3"> Type : </span>
<span class="b-data-2"><dsnmp showbuffer></span><br>
<span class="b-text-2">Host IP Address : </span>
<span class="b-data-1"><dsnmp getsession ip_add> : </span><br>
<span class="b-text-2">Date/time : </span>
<span class="b-data-1"><dsnmp getsession datetime></span><br>
<span class="b-text-2">Host description : </span>
<span class="b-data-1"><dsnmp get sysdescr></span><br><br>
<table width=100% border=0 cellspacing="0">
<dh width="100%" class="td-text-2"><dsnmp getrows_css ifdescr,locifinputqueuedrops,locifoutputqueuedrops></th>
<dsnmp tag pass:>
<dsnmp select nextrouter end>
<dsnmp goto loop>
<dsnmp goto end>
<dsnmp tag mibnotloaded:>

<table width='100%'>
<tr class="b-error" >
<td >MIB not loaded in LoriotPro
This report needs the following MIB : <br>
Use the compiler to add this MIB files.<br>
Report generation aborted</td>
<dsnmp tag end:>
<dsnmp disclaimer>


The first test on the presence of the MIB file is necessary. If the MIB files are not compiled the oid name are not known for LoriotPro and thus the SNMP request are impossible. Below the warning message is displayed.

Example  for vugraph

Vugraph display in small counter one SNMP object ID value.

In the following example 3 OID from the Cisco Proprietary MIB are collected and display in graph. The parameters are : 2 The OID under its numerical format
100 The verticale size of the image

The Horizontal size of the image

The minimum value to display in the left bottom corner

The maximum value to display in the right bottom corner
0 We do not modify the default color of the background
0 We do not modify the default color of the foreground

The legend displayed inside the counter

<table border=1 align=center>
<tr><th align=center>
Last 5 seconds<br>
<dsnmp vugraph graph01.jpg " 2 100 100 0 100 0 0 cpu5sec%"><br>
cpmcputotal5sec [<dsnmp get>%]
<th align=center>
Last 1 minute <br>
<dsnmp vugraph graph02.jpg " 2 100 100 0 100 0 0 cpu1min%"> <br>
cpmcputotal1min [<dsnmp get>%]
<th align=center>
Last 5 minutes<br>
<dsnmp vugraph graph03.jpg " 2 100 100 0 100 0 0 cpu5min%"> <br>
cpmcputotal5min [<dsnmp get>%]

From this tags the following table and counter are displayed.

Example for htmlrouter

<!-- <img border=0 src='/img/report.jpg'> Display one Graphics router representation of this hosts -->
<title>LoriotPro router display </title>
<META HTTP-EQUIV='Pragma' CONTENT='no-cache'>
<font face='Courier New'>
<dsnmp if snmptest error>
<dsnmp htmlrouter>
<dsnmp goto end>
<dsnmp tag error:>
<hr><table width='100%'><tr bgcolor='#FF0000'><td >Host no respond to snmp query, Report generation aborted</td></tr></table>
<dsnmp goto end>
<dsnmp tag end:>
<dsnmp disclaimer>


Example disclaimer

The <dsnmp disclaimer> allow you to add at the end of the file the LUTEUS Disclaimer text.
