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LoriotPro Database Tables

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By default, a table definition file is provided in a SQL format. However, it is possible to create these tables by using the following information. Consult the DB Administrator of your site to prepare and implement these tables in your existing Database server.

SQL database tables

Table name




CREATE loriot_managers (
� l_id int(4) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ,
� l_name char(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ,
� l_loriotkey char(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ,
� l_ip int(4) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ,
� l_ip_addr char(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ,
� l_version int(4) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ,
� l_http int(2) unsigned DEFAULT '0' ,
� PRIMARY KEY (l_id)

This table allows the differentiation of installed LoriotPro system that could access the database.


CREATE TABLE loriot_hosts (
� l_host_id int(4) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ,
� l_ip_addr char(15) ,
� l_name char(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ,
� l_mac char(18) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ,
� l_groupref int(4) unsigned ,
� l_manager_id int(4) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ,
� l_polltimeout int(4) unsigned ,
� l_lastsnmppoll int(4) unsigned DEFAULT '0' ,
� l_lasticmppoll int(4) unsigned DEFAULT '0' ,
� PRIMARY KEY (l_host_id)

This table contains all the hosts exported from Loriotpro to the Database


CREATE TABLE loriot_networks (
� l_network_id int(4) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ,
� l_mask int(4) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ,
� l_name char(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ,
� l_ifdesc char(100) ,
� l_iftype char(100) ,
� l_speed int(8) unsigned ,
� l_manager_id int(4) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ,
� PRIMARY KEY (l_network_id)

This table contains all the hosts exported from Loriotpro to the Database


CREATE TABLE loriot_events (
� l_timestamp int(4) ,
� l_manager_id int(4) unsigned DEFAULT '0' ,
� l_reference int(4) unsigned DEFAULT '0' ,
� l_level int(4) unsigned DEFAULT '0' ,
� l_string char(255) DEFAULT '0' ,
� l_ip_agent_add char(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ,
� l_ip_source_add char(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ,
� l_number int(4) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
� PRIMARY KEY (l_number),
� INDEX ref (l_manager_ l_id, l_reference, l_level, l_number, l_ip_agent_add)

This table contains all the Events stored by the Event manager in the Database



CREATE TABLE loriot_netflow (
� l_number int(4) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
� l_timestamp int(4) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ,
� l_sysuptime int(4) unsigned ,
� l_version int(1) unsigned ,
� l_host_id int(4) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ,
� l_engine_type int(1) unsigned ,
� l_engine_id int(1) unsigned ,
� l_ip_src char(15) ,
� l_ip_dst char(15) ,
� l_srcaddr int(4) unsigned ,
� l_dstaddr int(4) unsigned ,
� l_nexthop int(4) unsigned ,
� l_input int(2) unsigned ,
� l_output int(2) unsigned ,
� l_dPkts int(4) unsigned ,
� l_dOctets int(4) unsigned ,
� l_first int(4) unsigned ,
� l_last int(4) unsigned ,
� l_srcport int(2) unsigned ,
� l_dstport int(2) unsigned ,
� l_tcp_flags int(1) unsigned ,
� l_prot int(1) unsigned ,
� l_tos int(1) unsigned ,
� l_dst_as int(2) unsigned ,
� l_src_as int(2) unsigned ,
� l_dst_mask int(1) unsigned ,
� l_src_mask int(1) unsigned ,
� l_flow_sequence int(4) unsigned ,
� UNIQUE number (l_number, l_host_id, l_srcaddr, l_dstaddr, l_nexthop)

This table is used by the Service Plugin LoriotNetFlowCollectorService.sp.

This Plugin is an example provided with the SDK that demonstrate the use of ODBC functions and their implementation.

This Plugin works as a collector and gathers Netflow information from Cisco devices.