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Plotting data source or expression items

The last step in the graphic profile creation consists of the definition of the curves (plotting entries) and their characteristics. Displayed curves are plotted with the values of the graphic items define in the previous steps. Each graphic item previously defined can be added to the graph as a new curve but it is not mandatory. Graphic item can be simply used for entry values of RPN mathematical expression.

In the exemple below, there are 4 items plotted thus there will be 4 curves in the graphic. Curves will be displayed as LINES (set of contiguous points). If the time interval is low a (stair effect) can be observed in the curve. The lien size is set to 2, color is assigned by hex reference.

graphique liste

To add a new curve in an existing graph, click on the  Add button. The dialog box below is displayed

graphique paramètres

You must choose among the 3 different types of curve

line, stack, area

Line : Displayed as a set of contiguous points

Area : Displayed as a painted surface

Stack : Stack over the last curve defined in this graphic. At least one curve should be previously defined before using this type.

Line Width : The lien width if the LINE type is choosen.

Graph Item input : A list of item previously defined an tha can be add to the graph

Expression item input : A list of items of expression type that can be add to the graph.

You can choose between one of the previous input.

Color : Select the color of the curve

Legend : Define the legend that will be displayed into the graph under the plotting area.

When you have set all the parameters,  click on OK.

Back to the RRD manager Graphics tab you can select your graph and click on the View button to display it.

Example of RRD graphic created with RRD collector in SNMP Standard mode

interface graphique

The upper graphic display 4 curves in stacked mode. The cures are stacked in their definiton order.

Here the legend has been defined automatically by RRD collector working in SNMP Standard mode. The legend contains:

Host name (ULYSSE)

Network Interface name (VIA Rhine III Fast Ethernet Adapter #2[00]

SNMP object  and its index (ifinucastpkts.65539)