RMON GUI - Remote network MONitoring
Administrator handbook

Table of contents

RMON Probe Host database and Network Address Mapping

The RMON probe supporting the Address Mapping Group (13) of RMON2 provides a way for knowing the relation between a network address (IP address) and a MAC address.

Remark: The RMON probe can know only the MAC address of the broadcast domain to which it is connected. Thus many IP addresses could have the same MAC address, the MAC address of the Router interface (default gateway) and route toward the remote network where the IP addresses are attached.

Ethernet switch that support only RMON1 will not provide any information in the host table.

This table is collected and used by RMON GUI to resolve the Information in other tables and to complete its own host table.

The RMON probe will add entries to this table based on the source MAC and network addresses seen in packets without MAC-level errors. The probe will populate this table for all protocols in the protocol directory table whose value of protocolDirAddressMapConfig is equal to supportedOn(3), and will delete any entries whose protocolDirEntry is deleted or has a protocolDirAddressMapConfig value of supportedOff(2).


